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Combi Boiler
A combi boiler provides hot water for the central heating system and hot water taps. Many have timer systems tied to a thermostat to control how hot the house should be before the heating is turned off. Hot water is delivered at mains pressure, so showers can be used without the need for a pump, although the performance of the shower is average. Installation costs are usually much lower for combi boilers than for others. However, there are disadvantages. They lack a strong hot water flow, and the user sometimes has to wait 30 seconds or more for hot water to reach the tap. They also rely on having a continuously high water pressure and performance gradually falls if the water pressure drops. Combi boilers also suffer from problems more frequently. If you only have a combi boiler, there is no redundancy if it fails, so heating and hot water would both be unavailable. As the radiator circuit is a sealed pressurised system, even a small water leak will cause the system pressure to drop to zero over time.
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